AmigaOS 4

Before we begin

Before we begin it's important to make sure we have the following available:

Thursday 9th February & AmigaOS4 is well on it's way to completion. Hyperion release the 4th update to the Pre Release version & we get testing! This version is provided as an ISO file (This is a CD image) & as such, installation is al all in one Package. You boot from the CD, then install from the CD. If you are yet to partition your hard drive, head to further areas of IntuitionBase for a guide on setting up your hard drive (SFS Walkthrough).

After seeing numerous articles on Amigaworld on how to speed up OS4 I thought it was worth writing an article detailing the things discussed there. Hence, I preface this article by pointing out it is not all my own work - I have merely amalgamated it into one discrete package. I hope you find this useful.

Welcome to my article, where I am going to give you an explanation of AmigaOne-system and how my Pre3 OS4.0 is running. Also I'll give you an in depth look at several programs and games that I run on my system. 

It was somewhat of a struggle to get Personal Paint 7.1 running successfully on AmigaOS4.0-Pre. This paint application formerly ran on Amiga classic 68k hardware, but AmigaOS4 is targetted at AmigaOne PPC machines. This article endeavours to suggest how this might be accomplished...

- Why Make a Boot CD?

I find that a boot CD makes a good emergency recovery tool.   It is handy to have when the installation script of some OS3.x program, or my experimentation, corrupts OS4.   It is configured to provide easy access to the tools used to rebuild the OS4 libraries, datatypes, MUI, and etc.   This can be particularly important since the systems many of us run were not installed from a singe CD, but incrementally upgraded from OS4 pre-releases.

Carefully consider your reason(s) when planning the layout.

This is a step by step guide to installing AmigaOS4 and GNU/Linux Debian on the same harddisk.

It's been a long time coming but finally OS4 has arrived (albeit in pre-release form). Not only do we have a new OS but we also have new hardware in the guise of the AmigaOne. But those nice guys over at Hyperion haven't forgotten about us "classic" users who have invested a lot of money in the PPC accelerator cards and so OS4 is also coming to the classic Amiga!

If you have an old C program from years ago, it is possible to re-write it for the AmigaOne and AmigaOS 4. Most of my experience is with SAS 6.5x and Storm C (which is based on GCC). Follow some of the tips below to get your software converted:

1. Header files

a) Clibs, Pragmas, Proto files

These header files contain mainly headers for the AmigaOS Shared Libraries etc. In some source code, you may get Clib and Pragma headers 