
Maintaining the tradition of Amiga related announcements being made
annually at AmiWest, I would like to, with Bill Borsari of AmiWest, announce the relaunch of IntuitionBase. Earlier this year, Darren "Ryu" Glenn graciously transferred ownership of IntuitionBase to myself.

I would like to warmly welcome all the viewers of the AmiWest 2023 broadcast, as well as in-person AmiWest attendees and all members of the Amiga community.


Just a word to say we are still alive and active.

I am currently posting this from a MacBook 3400c sat in my local Weatherspooons (Public House Chain in the UK).

Keep the dream alive!

With the recent demise of amigarevolution.com, we've approached James Carroll of the eponymous JahcSoft to mirror his web site here so that it won't be lost in the electronic ether. Many of us have used or still use such tools as WookieChat, SabreMSN, or SimplePlay on our AmigaOne systems, so if you're looking for background on any of JahcSoft's tools, just click the source button below this news post.

There is no shortage of software for our next-generation Amiga machines: hundreds of native-AOS4 options freely available online and all of the thousands of software packages from the AOS3 days that still run great on our AmigaOne boxes. But there are commercial titles out there, too, built and designed for next-generation systems that sometimes slip through the cracks of awareness. So the editors at IntuitionBase are now keeping track of them. In the upper-left corner of our pages you will now see an option for an "OS4 Commercial SW" list.

We asked, you responded: after announcing our contest to see who could add the most content to IntuitionBase, we're thrilled to announce today the contest results. Nearly 150 new software titles and 100 compatible hardware products were added to our compatibility databases; nearly 100 software entries updated and corrected; new links; new dealers; and one heck of a lot of points.

The much awaited Amiga netbook may not be here yet, but that doesn't mean our AmigaOne machines have to be limited by the length of our Ethernet cables. Check out our step-by-step guide on getting wireless networking up and running on your next-generation Amiga.

There's not much out there in terms of office applications for next-generation Amigas, but one word processor is still being actively sold and supported. Check out our review of AmigaWriter 2.2 and see if it fits the bill for your next software purchase.

New to the next-generation Amiga scene? Curious about which browser to use and why? Check out our overview of the currently available options complete with performance data. Just click the link below or visit our 'Articles' section.

After about a week of downtime we are back up and running. Unfortunatly I forgot to renew the domain so it took some time for me to realise and get it renewed again.

Needless to say we are back up and in business.

In other news I've just received a Sam Flex so I'm back in the game!

Anyone wishing to give us a little christmas donation please do, we would be very greatful for anything given.

Merry Christmas everyone

I would like to take this oppertunity to thank all those that used the stream to view this years AmiWest and I woul also like to apologise for the loss of the server. It seems no matter how much testing you do, things can still go pear shaped just when you don't want them too :-)

Interestingly our peak this year was 88 viewers, so not quite the 100 I wanted, maybe next year.