Congrats Scott Cabit! Enjoy your new Amiga Future subscription!


We asked, you responded: after announcing our contest to see who could add the most content to IntuitionBase, we're thrilled to announce today the contest results. Nearly 150 new software titles and 100 compatible hardware products were added to our compatibility databases; nearly 100 software entries updated and corrected; new links; new dealers; and one heck of a lot of points.

Our contest entrants earned a collective 589 total points during the contest period and we'd like to thank everyone for their contributions to making the site a great resource for AmigaOS users. But in the end, there can be only one, so the winner of the free one-year subscription to Amiga Future magazine is....

Scott Cabit of Lawrenceburg, Tennessee, USA who earned an astonishing 375 points!

A big thanks to all of our contest participants, Andreas Magerl of APC&TCP, Darren Glenn for initiated the contest, and everyone who tuned it. Keep those updates coming, guys, and help out your fellow AmigaOS users!