Could there be yet another next-generation system on its way to Amiga land? According to a poster on an Italian Amiga forum the answer may be 'yes.' The new board appears to be a cost-reduced variant of the existing SAM460ex with no on-board SM502 controller, no external USB ports, no FPGA, and other components not used or well supported by the Amiga operating system removed. While the missing USB ports is a bit of surprise, since the boards have an internal USB header, that shouldn't be a big issue.
amigaoneSeptember 8, 2014
October 20, 2013
Earlier this morning at AmiWest 2013 A-EON Technology Founder Trevor Dickinson announced a major purchase agreement with Ultra Varisys for the design and manufacture of a new family of AmigaOne computers. The investment, totaling some $1.2 million, comes after the surprisingly high demand for the AmigaOne X1000. The new systems are centered around a new motherboard design, code-named Cyrus, which should support multiple PowerPC offerings from Freescale Semiconductor, including the quad-core P3041, dual-core P5020, and quad-core P5040. July 30, 2013
A big and hearty welcome to another dealer in the Amiga universe, this time in France: Amedia Computer. Focusing on both classic and next-generation Amiga computing, Amedia is the brainchild of Laurent Zorawski and Lionel Thillot. For Amigans in France the company is celebrating its grand opening with a special sale: a complete SAM460ex system for e999 -- which includes VAT. A very competitive price and a great system to jump into Amiga NG computing. July 26, 2013
Although we don't typically link to interviews elsewhere, this is a nice exception. Click the source link below to review David Burnet's interview with Trevor Dickinson, Managing Director of A-EON Technology, Ltd. There are some very nice high-resolution photos of the upcoming Cyrus+ motherboard from A-EON as well as hints about other possible hardware projects in the works. July 7, 2013
Visitors to the 2013 Vintage Computer Festival in the UK this weekend got a special preview of a new AmigaOne system coming from A-EON Technology as well the chance to play around on multiple AmigaOne X1000 systems running AmigaOS and GNU/Linux. The new system, code-named Cyrus after an ancient Persian king, is apparently based on the Freescale P5020 processor, one of the newer offerings in the QorIQ family. |