With a huge thanks to Darren Glenn, IntuitionBase is growing once again. We have new team members, a new focal point for site updates, and plans for the future. Here are our initial goals to return IntuitionBase to being a great resource for those new to the next-generation Amiga scene:

* scrubbing and updating the native and classic software database listings
* updating data on available AmigaOne computers
* cleaning up links around the site
* publishing new articles on the AmigaOS experience

Thanks to Tjitte 'OldFart' de Wolff we've got a new article available in our articles section. It details "A different view about customising the Amiga OS with respect to its functioning" which is basically a way of keeping your OS installs clean and tidy with all the other addon's seperate.

It is a very interesting read and concept, I hope you like it!

Anyone else wanting to have an article on here please just use the contact page and get in touch!

All of us at IntuitionBase would like to wish you all a very happy new year.

After about a week of downtime we are back up and running. Unfortunatly I forgot to renew the domain so it took some time for me to realise and get it renewed again.

Needless to say we are back up and in business.

In other news I've just received a Sam Flex so I'm back in the game!

Anyone wishing to give us a little christmas donation please do, we would be very greatful for anything given.

Merry Christmas everyone

I would like to take this oppertunity to thank all those that used the stream to view this years AmiWest and I woul also like to apologise for the loss of the server. It seems no matter how much testing you do, things can still go pear shaped just when you don't want them too :-)

Interestingly our peak this year was 88 viewers, so not quite the 100 I wanted, maybe next year.

IntuitionBase.com in collaboration with ZiaSpace.com are pleased to announce that we will be hosting the live video stream from this years AmiWest show.

Bill Bosari has for the past few years broadcast from the event and for the past couple we have been hosting the video feed.

This years show should be the best yet with a fantastic guest list.

This years video feed should be even better still with a video toaster in the mix doing video switching and titling.

This Saturday and Sunday will see the Vintage Computer Fare taking place at Bletchly Park in the UK.

On show among other things will be the new AmigaOne X1000.

I'll be there on Sunday so please say hello if you see me.


Darren 'Ryu' Glenn


At the start of this journey, we posed the question 'what is X?' The answer is that X is many things. X is the Xena/XMOS chip, and the Xorro slot that accompanies it. X is the mystery CPU, and above all, X is the AmigaOne X1000, the new complete desktop computer system from A-EON.