Earlier today Garry Hare was interviewed live on the UGN webcast, I saved the stream and its avaliable <a href=Interview.mp3>here</a>

<b>Audio save fixed, you can get the proper mp3 <a href=Garry_speaks.mp3>here</a></b>

Heres a quick run down on what was said:

Talks about the Internet revolution and the need for a radical change in how Operating systems work, need to scale across devices. Small, fast, robust, intuitive, instant on/off, p2p etc.

He things the AmigaOS meets many of the requirements, and with continuing developments it can meet them all.

Talks about a new mobile phone with a Sony chip, does everything.....

Thanks to Deniz Can Celik, we now have a Turkish translation of the "AmigaOS4, Pre-release is finally out!" article.

You can read it in our articles section.

Thanks to Chris Young we have broken the 100th software entries barrier. Because of this Chris has won himself a FREE badge from our shop.

Thanks to you all for using IntuitionBase.com, there will be more free badges given out at other milestones, so keep submiting, you too could be a winner :-)

Just to let all you fans know you can now submit your none working software to the compatible software list. Before you shout, I know it took long enough :-)

only 4 more software items to break the 100 barrier, so what you waiting for, submit something today!

Thanks to Peter Hutchison we now have an article giving you some idea on how to recompile old Amiga software for the new AmigaOS4, you can read it in our articles section.

Thanks to Philippe Bourdin there is now a German translation online.