Leuven, Belgium - 27 December 2004.

<a href=http://www.hyperion-entertainment.biz target=_blank>Hyperion Entertainment</a> would like to take this opportunity to thank our customers for their continued support. A prosperous and successful 2005 to all of you!

As a belated X-mas present, Hyperion Entertainment and the Amiga OS 4 development team are pleased to announce the immediate availability for registered users of another update of Amiga OS 4.0.

On behalf of myself and the rest of the IntuitionBase staff I would just like to wish all our readers a very merry christmas and a great new year.

Thanks for stopping by and please keep the submissions coming, this site cant go on without you :-)


BITbyBIT Software Group LLC today officially entered the
AmigaOS4 ring as a full time professional development team,
dedicated to producing software for AmigaOS4, with the
opening of their web site and a special preview release of
their first offering "The SDK Browser".

Check out their web site for more information, and to download SDK Browser v0.9.

After injuring my neck and back and a few annoyances within the "scene" I've decided to take a break. So from now 27/11/04 until the 8th of December there will be no updates to intuitionbase and I will not be around on IRC or reply to most emails.


<b>Edit:</b> Thanks to the handfull of people who have got in touch to see how I am. As of Sunday I wont be in the country until the 8th to reply to any emails.

<b>Edit:</b> Im back... I had a good trip to Germany and im now back at the helm :-)

Thanks to Alen Hadzihasanovic Im pleased to host a large Video taken at the Ottawa Amiga show which was held over the weekend.

The video is available in 640x480 XVID and in VCD res MPEG1. The running time is approx 15 minutes. You can download the video's by following one of the links below:

There are many talented coders out there, many of whom would like to write software for OS4 but are unable to afford the necessary hardware. As a result, OS4 is losing these talented coders, and losing possible software development which would help further the platform.

Amiga Dev Box is a community initiative designed to partner the developer without OS 4 with a tester who has an Amiga One/OS 4 box.

If anyone out there is a budding graphics artist and thinks they can create art to match what we already have here please get in touch. We desperatly need a new Graphics artist to join our team and help us progress with this site.

Please use the contact form to your left.

Thanks in advance.

The Ottawa Amiga show will feature two demonstrations of the Amiga OS 4.0 (Beta). The will be conducted by developers Adam Kowalczyk and Steven Solie, both of which are heavily involved in bringing OS 4.0 to the AmigaOne.

The schedule calls for an overview into the basics of OS 4.0, and the second presentation will offer OS 4.0 in more depth.

Futhermore, the AmigaOne Micro "C" boards will be available for you to see and purchase at the show. Livewire Systems will offer special show deals, including Amiga One Micro "C" motherboards.