A late christmas present from the OS 4 team - OS4 update


Leuven, Belgium - 27 December 2004.

<a href=http://www.hyperion-entertainment.biz target=_blank>Hyperion Entertainment</a> would like to take this opportunity to thank our customers for their continued support. A prosperous and successful 2005 to all of you!

As a belated X-mas present, Hyperion Entertainment and the Amiga OS 4 development team are pleased to announce the immediate availability for registered users of another update of Amiga OS 4.0.

The update is available from our download section and contains the following:

* Kernel 51.20
* dos.library 51.24
* CrossDOS FS 51.19
* Timer device 51.4
* loader-51.6
* Mass Storage Support for USB
* Updated USB stack
* elf library 51.5
* Moovid PPC
* SmartFileSystem 1.234
* newlib.library 2.8
* CDFileSystem 51.4
* rtg.library 41.4252
* graphics.library 51.12
* Grim Reaper 51.4