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Amiga OS4 final - install guide

  1. Before we begin
  2. Overview
  3. Known Problems
  4. First steps
  5. Intalling OS4 final
  6. Configuration
  7. OEM software
  8. Miscellaneous
  9. Additional documentation

Before we begin

Before we begin it's important to make sure we have the following available:
  • OS4 Final install CD
  • Your favourite brew
  • Patience (you have to wait a little longer)
  • The readme file - you have read it right????:
InstallCD 52.6 README
This CD image is an ISO image. In order to use it, you need to burn it onto a CD-R or CD-RW. The exact process depends on the software you use, normally any CD writer program should have a funciton like "Burn Image" or similar.

If you insert the CD into an Amiga computer, you should see an installation guide icon appear on your workbench desktop. This contains a description on how to install this update.

For the impatient:
  1. MAKE A BACKUP! This CD does not support upgrading your system, you need to reinstall. Make a backup of all your files. The installation will only affect your SYS: partition unless you choose to re-partition your drive.
  2. Make sure you have U-Boot 1.1.x or later installed. If you do not have it, download the latest version from
  3. Insert the CD into your CD-ROM drive and boot from it. This depends on the controller your drive is connected to. Select the appropriate boot device in the U-Boot menu by pressing ENTER during initial count-down.
  4. The installation should start automatically after you selected your country and keyboard settings.
Again, note that an Upgrade installation is NOT supported. This installation WILL overwrite your SYS: partition.


OS4, final, contains the new memory system, PNG icon support without the PowerIcons patch, some OEM software, new icons, speed, efficiency...

You get the idea! The full list of features can be found on Hyperion's webiste.

Known Problems

  • It has been reported that a number of users have problems if trying to install from a CDRW so it is recommended you burn the install image to a CD-R directly.
  • If you find the CD boots to the point that you should see the Workbench but instead only have a black screen, try disconnecting a floppy drive if you have one connected.
  • Limpidclock can give DSI errors - v1.7 is believed to work correctly.
  • DSI errors seem to occur from a number of applications - more discussions on Amigaworld

First steps

Backing up

As the readme file states, this install is not an upgrade and will overwrite SYS:. The install should work fine but in case it doesn't it is recommended that you backup. You can use drag and drop to copy your SYS: partition to another if you wish but those familiar with the CLI may prefer:

> copy sys: all backup:os4pre/ clone 

Which will copy your SYS: partition to the backup:os4pre drawer exactly - all files, all attributes.

Once you have a backup you may wish to take a few moments to look around OS4 pre-release 4 (or whichever you had installed) as this may be the last time you see it!

Booting up

It is possible to boot directly from the OS4 final CD and this is the recommended way to proceed. Follow the steps below:
  1. Switch on your AmigaOne and insert your OS4 final CD.
  2. When you see the message Booting. Press ENTER for boot select, any for other options, press enter.
  3. You will now be in the UBoot bootup configuration menu, the boot device option should already be selected. Press enter and select the option that applies to your CDROM drive (in my case this was Onboard VIA IDE CDROM
  4. Press escape
  5. Choose boot this configuration - this will boot using the settings you have just specified this time only.
  6. You should see your AmigaOne boot as normal but from the CD!

Installing OS4 final

Once your system has finished booting from the CD (be patient, it will be slow in comparison to booting from hardisk - that's what your favourite brew is for...) the install will start automatically. Similar to the pre-release installs you will need to choose your keyboard layout, timezone and chosen language. You will then be shown the familiar installer - do not start the installation yet!

Before you actually perform the install you will need to format your old sys: partition. It is not recommended that you overwrite your old files - you should format the partition and perform a clean install.

The install copies a lot of files so may take some time, during the install you will be required to choose your screenmode but other than that the install is automatic.

Once the install is complete please perform a hard reset and enjoy OS4 final!!


You will need to reconfigure some parts of your system - most noticably your network settings. The quick way round this is to copy your configuration files from DEVS:internet/ but you may wish to set it up by hand again if you do not feel confident.

Your backrdop will also need re-applying via the WB Pattern preferences program and AHI modes will also need changing to match your requirements.

The other changes you will need to make is the replacement of all your custom libraries and assigns as OS4 final will not include assigns from your old startup or user-startup sequences. MUI custom classes and libraries you have added will need adding again.

Wookiechat, Tunenet, Amipodder, YAM, Simplemail and any other software you use regularly that relies on custom modules will need to have these replaced before they will load.

OEM SOftware

IBrowse 2.4 OEM

As was originally promised, and in line with most modern operating systems, OS4 final comes bundled with IBrowse 2.4 OEM. There are a number of limitations to the OEM version but not as many as are imposed when compared to the demo version.

If you have registered IBrowse you cannot just drop your Ibrowse2key into the SYS:Utilities/Ibrowse directory - I tried this and it refused to acknowledge the key. To get round this (and to use your registered IBrowse again) download IBrowse 2.4 from the Ibrowse website and drop your key into there. If you have already downloaded 2.4 you will just need to re-direct the Amidock icon.

Ibrowse homepage


DVPlayer is movie playing software for OS4 capable of playing a number of formats (for more information see the DV Player homepage) and an OEM version is bundled with OS4 final. The OEM version does not have the registration splash screen but please register if you find the product useful, encouraging further development.

DVPlayer homepage


PNG icons

To make use of PNG icons, without the powericons patch you will need to install the PNG icon module, available on OS4 depot.
OS4 PNG Icon module (on OS4 Depot)

SVG Datatype

SVG, scalable vector graphic, is an image format that is infinately scalable without pixelation. Previously, there was no way to read this on OS4 but the SVG datatype is now available.
SVG datatype (on OS4 Depot)


The Epistula instant messenger client is available for OS4 final, a special update just for Christmas.
Epistula homepage

Additional Documentation

Written by:
Jonathan "GiGa" Haddock

Published: 26th December 2006
Updated: 28th December 2006
©2004-2023 IntuitionBase