Memory Modules


Encountered complete system lockups after installation of this 512MB PC133 SODIMM module into my MicroA1 after sustained use under both OS4 Update 4 and Debian Woody and Sarge Linux for PPC Kernel 2.4.26.

Tyrex 512MB

A 512 MB SD-Ram Module which works under OS4, but sadly ONLLas "One-and-Only" module, a second 512MB (of another type andmanufacturer) did not work (broke UBoot while checjing thehardware. (Couldn't check two modules


Printed on a sticker on the module: 38L5JSOL-1GAGWorks w/o problems under OS4/UBoot BOTH in SLOT 1 and 2.Although it was only tested with ONE module and didn't passsome stress tests in Slot 2 yet.

UPDATE: Works flawless in both slots, no pro