
Over the last 2 months IntuitionBase.com has transfered over 400GB of data, and let me tell you thats a lot! In the last 48 hours we have transfered 87GB of data.

So heres the thing, at the moment our coffers are empty and we could really do with some donations to help smooth things out with our hosting provider.

So please dig behind the sofa and send us in your loose change.

You'll find the paypal donate button at the bottom of the left hand menu.

Thanks in advance

Darren 'Ryu' Glenn

With the demise of MAI's website and ftp space the yellow dog linux distribution for the AmigaOne was no longer available, that is no longer the case.

Thanks to the help of a few good people I now have all the YDL ISO's and support files and I am now hosting them through IntuitionBase, to get to the files please go <a href=static.php?section=ydl>here</a>.

Thanks go out to Elbox for pledging support to IntuitionBase.com and buying some banner time.. From now on you'll periodically see the Elbox Shop banner displayed, please take a moment to click on it and browse around the Elbox online store. The mediator really is the best PCI busboard for the classic Amiga's by far.

Also in other news we are down to literally less than a handfull of case badges now...

Thanks once again to Elwood we now have french translations to both my article about OS4 on the classic Amiga aswell as a french translation of the os4 and debian dual boot article.

Please visit the <a href=static.php?section=articles>Articles</a> section to find them.

With the shop closing soon its time we looked at other ways of raising revenue.. So I've added a banner to the top of every page and im allowing anyone to buy a month or so of time to use a banner in that space.

There will only ever be 3 banners in rotation at any one time, so they will all get a fair share of the 40,000+ page views we get a month.

In return all I ask is the advertiser pays us 15 euros a month, or if its an Amiga event or whatever its free.

More details can be found <a href=static.php?section=advertise>here</a>.

The "Using OS4 and speech" article has been updated to reflect the changes in AOS4 update 3. So anyone who's updated, check out the article again and learn how you can use the classic speech synth under AOS4.

<a href=static.php?section=en_OS4-speaks>Using OS4 and speech</a>

After a couple of days of hard graft I've finally finished, the new and improved Scunthorpe Amiga User Group website is online.

Remember the next usergroup meeting is on the 25th of this month in Keadby and there will be a CSPPC and BPPC machine there both running AmigaOS4.

<a href=SCAG/>Scunthorpe Amiga User Group</a>

<a href=customisation.php?category=theme></a>Finally, and thanks to Deathcon and Jamie Krueger we have our very first user submited OS4 theme on IntuitionBase. Please navigate your way to the <a href=customisation.php?category=themes>customisations</a> page to download.

As of Sunday the 24th until the 3rd of May I will be out of the country so no updates or shop orders will be processed during that time.

<b>Edit:</b> Im back

It is with great pleasure to say it has been exactly a year since IntuitionBase.com was launched to the general public.

Since that time we have transfered numerous terabytes of data and had millions of hits, thanks to each and every one of our visitors for using the site.

A special thankyou to all those who have donated money and purchased badges from our shop, thanks to you we are still here.

I look forward to providing another years worth of service.