Happy Birthday, Amiga.


Since the announcement of the original Amiga at the Lincoln Center in New York back in 1985, thirty years have now passed. Time has flown by, and yet there are still so many enthusiasts of the platform, its hardware, its follow-ons, and its derivatives. It has lived on throughout the years despite what should have been the end in 1994 with the death of Commodore. And amidst all of the in-fighting, the scams, the noise, and the drama, there still exist thousands of us, still having fun on what we all know to be the most enjoyable computing platform alive.

This weekend will see a spectacular celebration of thirty years of the Amiga platform at the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, California. Nearly all the major players from the 1980s will be there, along with tons of classic and next-generation hardware, software, and kitsch collected over the decades. If you haven't decided to go, there's still time. It's going to be amazing. But today make sure to take a moment as the Amiga begins its thirtieth year just to pause and enjoy what you have, be it a 1200, a 4000, a SAM, a X1000, or whatever. Give it a hug. For whichever machine through which you keep the flame alive, to quote A-EON's Trevor Dickinson: "let's keep this party going." Here's to the next decade of Amiga computing!