
<b><a href=http://www.amirevival.com target=_blank>AmiRevival</a> aims to be the premier Amiga Show in the UK, and with that in mind we have booked a large, technology orientated venue right in the centre of Scunthorpe. We hope to be able to draw some high calibre exhibitors and maybe even one or 2 VIP's. Please check out our Exhibitors section to see who have already agreed to exhibit, and please check back regulally as we are willing to do all in our power to make this show the best we possibly can.

The show takes place at Stafford Hall, Hampton Court, Westwood, Peterborough, UK on the 24th September 2005 from 1.00pm until 6.00pm. Admission is £3.50 at the door. There will be an after show party, those wishing to stay on and chat/drink will be able to order from a set menu from a selecion of local take aways. We did this so many people can get back safely if they need to but make the journey worthwhile for those who are staying over or don't mind going home late.

Highlights include:

Well its only a week away, next saturday (September 3rd) we're having our usergroup meeting at the Keadby and Althorpe WMC near Scunthorpe.

All are invited. I'll have OS4 running on the A1200 and A4000, and I'll even boot into MOS if you want to see that running on an A1200.

We'll also be building up an A4000 for one of our members aswell as having a head to head game of stunt car racers.

The meeting starts at 12pm, and finishes around 5pm, then we go just down the road for a meal before (if your staying over) going back to my place for some beers.

The DevContest reveals the secret project: "PCB", a PCB designer for all hardware geeks out there (and it seems there are a lot ;-).
PCB is coded by Chip.

Also a new project gets into the contest: "Pixle paint" by Patrick Thomas. This is a paint software that will bring DPaint and Brilliance features to AmigaOS 4.

2 months to go before you submit your projects.
4 months to go before contest deadline (1st December).

See you on next update!

As usual I've written a report from the AmiGBG and included some photographs from the excellent event.

To read the report please follow the source button.

That's right; I (Ryu) on behalf of IntuitionBase.com will be attending AmiGBG2005 as an exhibitor.

I'll have a handful of case badges to sell at 30SEK each.

I will also be representing Total Amiga magazine and I will have an entire back catalogue for visitors to read as well as a small selection of back issues to buy:

8 copies of issue 17
3 copies of issue 18
6 copies of issue 13

I will also be selling Total Amiga yearly subscriptions and anyone who subscribes at the show can expect to get the first new issue (Issue 21) in early August.