
Thursday 9th February & AmigaOS4 is well on it's way to completion. Hyperion release the 4th update to the Pre Release version & we get testing! This version is provided as an ISO file (This is a CD image) & as such, installation is al all in one Package. You boot from the CD, then install from the CD. If you are yet to partition your hard drive, head to further areas of IntuitionBase for a guide on setting up your hard drive (SFS Walkthrough).

Welcome to my article, where I am going to give you an explanation of AmigaOne-system and how my Pre3 OS4.0 is running. Also I'll give you an in depth look at several programs and games that I run on my system. 


The economic well being of the Amiga market demands a system that is not in direct competition with the Wintel world. Running on Intel hardware will jeopardise the viability of OS4 by placing it into direct competition with Windows. Intel derived hardware raises issues of support costs and financial return for the vendor.


A replacement platform for the AGA Amiga. The AmigaOne was developed outside the confines of Amiga Inc., yet has been approved by Amiga Inc.