
This "how-to" is more or less a walkthrough made due to the high amount of questions regarding SFS posted on several forums and mailing lists. 

This walkthrough covers everything from editing the kicklayout to the usage of tools like Media ToolBox and it's divided into sections for easier reading.  

This is a step by step guide to installing AmigaOS4 and GNU/Linux Debian on the same harddisk.

If you have an old C program from years ago, it is possible to re-write it for the AmigaOne and AmigaOS 4. Most of my experience is with SAS 6.5x and Storm C (which is based on GCC). Follow some of the tips below to get your software converted:

1. Header files

a) Clibs, Pragmas, Proto files

These header files contain mainly headers for the AmigaOS Shared Libraries etc. In some source code, you may get Clib and Pragma headers 

Kickstart files on disk.

On a Classic Amiga, we had a ROM which contained the basic libraries: Exec, Dos, Intuition... The ROM made it possible to boot on a disk where no system is installed - Booting without Startup-Sequence, allowing you to use a basic Shell to do "first aid" on your system.