Professional paint package for the Amiga

fxPAINT has been developed with the vision of maximum functionality, flexibility and user-friendliness in handling of image data in mind. It can not only be used for professionally reworking and creating images, but offers even more advanced features that qualify it as a true all-round-program, opening up additional fields of application to the user. 

  • Image creation - diverse drawing tools 
    fxPAINT offers to you 18 different drawing tools which include standard tools such as for rectangle-, line-, ellipse- and polygon-drawing, but also professional tools like a magic stick, bézier-curves, gradients of all kinds (linear, radial, conical, ..), etc. Those can be combined with any pens that can imitate real materials (e.g. chalk, sprays, pencils) or simply be own creations. Besides drawing with a colour, fxPAINT can also directly draw with effects (see below) or colour gradients. Gradients can be freely designed - including transparencies - with the comfortable gradient manager. Furthermore, you can directly scan, take screenshots, use digital cameras and video boards, create fractals, etc. from within fxPAINT. In any case, you directly get the result you see on your screen (WYSIWYG). 
  • Image processing - more than 90 effects 
    As the "fx" (abbreviation for "effects") already hints at it, fxPAINT offers you a great number of effects, unique in this number and constellation. Pyro- effects, picture-mosaics, diverse light-effects, a powerful bump mapper for pseudo 3D-effects, gradation-curves, glass-effects, various artistic-effects, composition-effects and many more specialised filters and effects as well as standard corrections for e.g. brightness, sharpness, colour intensity create brilliant results that can only hardly be outperformed by others! 
  • fxALBUM - image-cataloguing and -sharing 
    fxALBUM, an inbuilt module of fxPAINT, allows you the easy administration even of bigger picture collections. Besides alphabetic sorting, you can also print overviews, create slideshows with fade-effects or re-arrange your pictures via drag and drop. Especially if you own a digital camera, you won't want to miss the integrated tools for fast rotation and commentating, suitable even for processing many pictures. If you want to bring your pictures onto the web, fxALBUM creates HTML-picture- overviews, that are easily adaptable to your own demands - if you want, up to your own album skin! Even internet-greeting cards are possible. Not without reason fxPAINT is used by big and quality-conscious AMIGA-websites for years. 
  • fxCONV - batchprocessing 
    fxCONV, also an inbuilt module of fxPAINT, helps you to process masses of image files quickly and easily. Besides simple conversion and suffix adaption, you can also scale, rotate or use ARexx-scripts, accessing fxPAINTs mighty ARexx-interface, to rework them in exactly the way you want to! 
  • Internet - tools and abilities 
    fxPAINT also helps you a lot in all things internet. The "Navigation Builder" creates, within seconds, a complete navigationbar, incl. HTML-Code, from two pictures (selected and unselected state). Using fxIMAGEMAP, HTML-Imagemaps can be created fast and intuitive. Even the creation of PNG-files with transparency and a preview for JPEG-compression artifacts are no problem for fxPAINT. Plus you can use the already presented fxALBUM to create HTML-based Multimedia-CDs, slideshows, "simple" galleries, tours or reports - in nearly any design imaginable and at a superb quality! 
  • User-friendly user interface 
    Special importance has been attached to the design of a user-friendly user interface during the development of fxPAINT. All important functions are easily accessible, the user interface offers aids like bubble help and self-descriptive graphics in full 24 Bit. Furthermore, there are many useful tools, like e.g. the "Size Manager". Thanks to highly optimized routines and extensive support for the latest hardware, fxPAINT allows you to work in real-time and to unleash your creative powers! 
  • Extensive hardware-support 
    fxPAINT may well be the graphics application with the most extensive hardware-support. It runs native on three different CPU-architectures: 680x0 (OS 3.x), PPC (MorphOS, WarpUP, PowerUP) and x86 (Amithlon). Furthermore, fxPAINT can make use of scanner- (fxSCAN, ScanQuix), digital-camera- and video board-software (VHI Studio) and support flat screens (inbuilt calibration), graphics boards, mouse wheels, graphics tablets (incl. many options) directly. Printers can be talked to via three different systems - AmigaOS 3.x, AmigaOS 3.5+ and TurboPrint. 
  • Many more functions 
    With the already introduced functionality complexes of fxPAINT it has by far not reached the end of its functionality. Via the Plugin- and ARexx interface, fxPAINT offers nearly unlimited possibilities to extend its functionality. Included Plugins already allow special applications like steganographie (hiding of files in pictures), the creation of WBMP-pictures for WAP-pages or the creation of Workbench-icons. Even the direct creation of PDF-files is, given that you have fxSCAN 4.0 installed, no problem.