Compatible Software

This list is designed to track the hundreds of available applications that are compatible with AmigaOS 4.x, whether native applications or classic applications from the OS 3.x days. Here you can look up a specific application to see if it works and how. 

Although there are literally hundreds of games and applications designed for and running natively on AmigaOS 4.x available from such venues as OS4Depot -- and thousands of such software titles designed for AmigaOS 3.x but fully compatible with our next-generation Amigas -- commercial software designed for AmigaOS 4.x isn't always well known. Since there are tens of such titles from software houses like Alinea Computer, APC-TCP, Airsoft Softwair, Hyperion Entertainment, and A-EON Technology, as well as from independent developers, we felt they deserve a place of their own on IntuitionBase. We've included both links for you to discover more information about each title, and a link to a dealer where you can actually purchase the software for your NG Amiga. Developers are the life-blood of any platform, so it's even more important to support commercial Amiga developers.

Some of the items listed here are available exclusively through AmiStore, from A-EON Technology. To purchase these games and applications, you will need to download and install AmiStore onto your next-generation Amiga.

Keeping this list updated relies upon your input, so please, if you see something missing, would like to add a tip to a title already listed, or believe there is a mistake, let us know!

Title Version Type Compatibility
Caesar III (Augustus) Commercial, Games Full
Cal Deluxe 2 Classic 68k FULL
Calendar Factory Classic 68k FULL
CandyFactoryPro 1.02 Classic 68k FULL
Cartoon Studio 1.1 Classic 68k None
Cathangband 3.0.3 Native PPC FULL
Centurion 0 Classic 68k Partial
ChaosPro 3.3 Classic 68k FULL
CharMap 2.0b fonts, character, charset
ChatBox 1.164a Classic 68k FULL
Check-it-Out 2.01b Classic 68k FULL
Checks and Balances Demo Classic 68k FULL
Cinema 4D 4.2CD 3D graphics
Cinema4d (commercial version) NOT COVERDISK Commercial Partial
Cinemorph 0.35.66 Classic 68k FULL
Class Action Classic 68k FULL
CLI-MAX 9 Classic 68k FULL
ClicketyFlip 1 Native PPC FULL
CLImate 1 Classic 68k FULL
ClipTool 3.8 Classic 68k FULL
CloudsAGA 1.05 Classic 68k FULL
CLS 0.01 Native PPC FULL
CMP 1.5 Classic 68k FULL
Codebench 0.55 IDE, Text editors FULL
Codesets.library 6.2 Native PPC FULL
Collector 3.5 Classic 68k FULL
Colonization 1.11 Classic 68k None
Comic Setter 1.0a Classic 68k FULL
Comparedirs 1.12 file comparison
Contact Manager 25.2 Classic 68k FULL
ContextMenusScripts 0.5 Native PPC FULL
CPUClock 1.1 Native PPC FULL
CRC Tools 1 Native PPC FULL
Crimson Fields 0.4.1 Native PPC FULL
Crossfire 2 1.04 Native PPC FULL
CrossFire II Commercial, Games Full
Crossword Construction Set 1 Classic 68k Partial
CWM Moria 1.1.0 Native PPC FULL
Cyber OS4 1 Native PPC FULL
Cybersphere Commercial, Games Full
Cycas CAD 1.78 Classic 68k FULL
CygnusED 5 5 Text editors, programming Full
CygnusEd Pro 5.2 Native PPC FULL
CygnusEd Pro 4.2 Classic 68k Partial
Dale Hardshovel Commercial, Games Full
Data Display 1.3 Native PPC FULL
Datastore 2 Classic 68k FULL
DBB Digital Breadboard n/a Classic 68k FULL
DC-Telnet 1.5 Classic 68k FULL
Deluxe Paint 3 III Classic 68k FULL