Yellow Dog Linux

Warning: Do not attempt to install YDL3 on the same harddrive as Amiga OS4, YDL-installer does not support RDB, and will likely destroy your OS4 installation. A second harddrive is required.

Shift click on the links to download

YDL3 Install Manual pdf
Size = 845345 bytes
Download: Location 1

YDL3 Boot iso
Size = 4227072 bytes
MD5Sum = 9717274fb1649ba633f1de0abd19a71d
Download: Location 1

YDL3 Disk 1 iso
Size = 654712832 bytes
MD5Sum = 68c541afe734af55b0c934106c18f856
Download: Location 1

YDL3 Disk 2 iso
Size = 669622272 bytes
MD5Sum = 57a3e29a32440c21b4a8c4f63db8797d
Download: Location 1

YDL3 Disk 3 iso
Size = 555986944 bytes
MD5Sum = 1a2057cf4d9da268ab2d5d3fe0f0f838
Download: Location 1

MAI App Install iso
Size = 264613888 bytes
MD5Sum = 1bfec72d6ac65ffad7fe7d83520df2ae
Download: Location 1

YDL Setup document for "GX" CPU's
Download: Location 1

YDL Installer for "GX" CPU's
Size = 4999168 bytes
MD5Sum = 6e6d4f07427cbf8cfafc454873bbf97b
Download: Location 1

GX Kernel iso
Size = 2738176 bytes
MD5Sum = 3269cfec434450af89926848c01c42c3
Download: Location 1

Thanks to Tommi Toivanen, Alex Carmona, Daniel J, Andrea II, Costel Mincea and Jon Buckley for all your help getting these files.

For some help on how to update YDL3 to YDL4, please follow this link.