
Password manager utility

PassPocket is a password manager for the Amiga. It stores all your different usernames, passwords, and associated website addresses in a single database, encrypted with a single master password.

Now you only need to remember that one password, so you can make all the other passwords as long and unmnemonic as the security experts recommend, have as many of them as you need for all those websites where you have to register but rarely visit, and change them as often as advised, without the hassle of trying to keep track of them all.

PassPocket also makes it easy to use the contents of the database. It acts as an Amiga commodity, running invisibly in the background and called to life by programmable hotkeys. Just use a hotkey to open a listing of the database and select the site you want to visit. Then use the other hotkeys to enter the website address, username, and password into a web browser or other program just as if you'd typed them.

Mike Steed
Mike Steed