Hyperion Updates Amiwest Attendees on AmigaOS Progress


One of the somewhat overlooked aspects of last weekend in Sacramento at Amiwest 2013 was the in-depth update on AmigaOS development by team lead Steven Solie. Among the highlights of his presentation were the following:

* official confirmation of cancellation of the netbook project
* walk-through of new AmigaOS kernel, X-Kernel, which supports multiple cores
* integration of FUSE layer into OS and support for NTFS coming soon
* an update on Gallium3D progress
* announcement of Update 7 ISO coming soon
* announcement of new SDK with additional SDK update coming shortly

And lastly we've learned that AmigaOS 4.2 will ship as soon as the new Gallium3D layer is complete and stable. A tremendous amount of work has been done 'behind the scenes' to make the new kernel and 3D graphics stack progress in face of having to support new hardware platforms as well as personal health problems of key development team members. Nonetheless the light at the end of the tunnel is being seen at long last.

Click the 'source' button below for Steven's blog post which further details the Hyperion updates made this year at Amiwest.