Vector drawing application

AmiFIG is a universal-structured drawing program, which is derived from the well-known Unix-program XFig by Supoj Sutanthavibul, Brian V. Smith and others. This version now includes most of the v3.1 features. The AmigaOS 4 version is a revival of AmiFIG vector drawing program for AmigaOS4 (as well as for AROS and MorphOS) based on old sources of 68k AmiFig. 

The features include: 
ellipses, circles, lines, splines, arcs, images, compounds, text, arrows, colours, filling with pattern or colour, different line widths and styles, scaling, copying, rotating, zooming, grid, more, more, more... 

Included is fig2dev, a tool to convert fig data files into several formats (postscript, LaTeX, epic etc.). It's the original Unix program version 3.1.3. I merely added v1.4 support and fixed some bugs.

Andreas Schmidt, Yannick, Mazze, Manu, Polluks, xenic, kas1e and others