Bit of an update

First off, 2 new articles have been published in our <a href=static.php?section=articles>articles</a> section:

-<a href=static.php?section=en_Boot-CD>How to Make a Boot CD for OS4
Written by John "JCC" Clenance</a>

-<a href=static.php?section=en_PPaint-Setup>Cloanto's Personal Paint on AmigaOS4
Written by John "Vortexau" Klumpp</a>

Also worth mentioning is the banner we now have on the front page, if you want your banner in that space, please <a href=static.php?section=contact>contact me</a>. Price is negotiable, from free to a small fee (hey that rhymes!)

We also now have a limited number of case badges left and we won't be getting any more in stock, see the <a href=shop.php>shop</a> for the reason.

And lastly we will be launching a more interactive articles section soon, so keep an eye out for that.